Coins and Banknotes for sale Vietnam Coins
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From: "Roubert Ada" <>
To: [...]
Sender: "Roubert Ada" <>
Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2003 19:03:22 +0200

Attn: The Managing Director/CEO
From: Mr. Roubert Ada
Chief adminstrative Officier
Skyway Security Company,
Johannesburg, South Africa.
Tel: +27-83-945-4075

Dear Sir,

Sequel to my discussion with the official member invovled, Mr. Tony Dube
Group Accountant of  the above Company.

I am Mr. Roubert Ada, Chief Adminstrative Officier of Skyway Security
Company Pty Ltd. Your esteemed address was reliably introduced to me
through the South African Network online during my search of a reliable
company/individual who can handle this strictly confidential matter, which
involves the transfer of a reasonable sum of money to a foreign account.
This amount of money is total sum of Thirty Million United States dollars
(US$30,000,000.00) which was deposited under our custody by the Late
president of Tanzania, Mr. Julius Nyerere for safe keeping. Now, as a
result of that he has died and non of his family members is aware of the
funds. And there is no next of Kin on the initial deposit.

I therefore decided to with my colleague Mr. Tony Dube to transfer these
funds to a foreign account for our personal use becasue the money has leid
unclaimed for three years now and nobody has came to claim it. The
original depository agreement contract is with us hence we can claim the
funds with the help a foreigner. The money is still in our custody here at
the Security Company awaiting claim by a foreign partner which statues we
want you to assume.

Now is the optinium period to consumate this transaction. Following the
last meeting with my colleague, it was unanimously agreed taht 30% of the
total sum will be given to you. 60% will be for my colleague and I and the
remaining 10% will be for international and local expenses. I assure you
that there is no risk involved in this transaction worth so ever the case
maybe, as we have concluded every necessary arrangement to protect every
party involved in this transaction.

Likewise, all modalities of the successful transfer of these funds has
been worked out by the Federal Ministry of Finance and the South African
Reserve Bank to faciliate the transfer of these funds to your designated
bank account.

However, i would like to believe that you will be honest and will not
raise any misgiving attitude in any aspect of this transaction because i
have done a similar transaction with a Lebanese National and was betrayed.
More importantly you keep this transaction very confidetial so as not to
tarnish the confidence reposed to my colleague and I. If this business is
of interest to you, please kindly fax the following documents to me :-

1. Your banking information/details
2. Your company letter headed paper and company registrations papers
3. Your private telephone and fax numbers.

Meanwhile your immediate response will highly be appericated. Please treat
this information as confidential.

Best regards,

Mr. Roubert Ada

(C) 2000-11, ÏÛÂÀ-ÍÅÒ