Vietnam Coins
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Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 10:52:04 -0400
From: "Ola Dangote Wale" <>
Subject: Pls assist.

Dear Sir/Madam, 

My name is MR OLA WALE, the eldest brother in-law and closest confidant 
of Rtd General JEREMAIAH. J. T. USENI who was the est. while Minister 
of the Federal Capital territory Abuja in the 
late General Sani Abachas Regime of 1993-1998. 

I am contacting you in a benevolent spirit, with utmost 
confidence and trust to enable us provide a solution 
to a money transfer of $60M that is presently putting 
my entire family into great disarray. You may be 
quite surprised at my sudden contact to you but do not 
despair, I got your contact from a business site on 
the internet and following the information I gathered 
about you, I was convinced that you could be of 
assistance to me. So, decided to contact you at once 
due to the urgency required for us to immediately 
transfer the said funds out of the country. 

During the time my brother in-law was in the government with 
the late General Sani Abacha as the head of state, 
they were both involved in several deals that yielded 
Billions of Dollars. The prominent amongst the deals 
was monies that emanated from funds set aside for the 
importation of Arms and Ammunitions to boost the 
Nigerian Defense, funds set to embark on an oversea 
campaign to counter the United States action to put a 
stop to the self succession bid of the Abachas 
government to retain power, and monies set aside to 
rehabilitate the ailing Nigerian Petroleum Refineries 
and the National Electric Power Authority which 
supplies Electricity to the entire nation. If you are 
conversant with world news, you would understand 

During this period my brother in-law was able to make some 
good money for himself and kept in his private bank 
accounts. The then head of state General Sani Abacha 
transferred his share of the money through a Lebanese 
businessman, Mr. Chagoury and a Jewish businessman, Mark 
Rissar to bank accounts overseas. Unfortunately, all 
the secrets were revealed by the investigation 
agencies set up by the successive governments and most 
of the Abachas loots were traced and repatriated from 
the various accounts to the Federal Government 

Out of the money my brother in-law made, he left the sum of 
N50 Million (Fifty Million Naira) in the CBN escrow 
account for further transfer into a foreign account 
and a sum of $60M (Sixty Million Dollars) was kept in 
a Private security firm here in Nigeria. Through the 
confessions made by the Abachas Family, the N50 
Million was recovered by the investigating agency from 
the CBN escrow account,  But were unable to discover 
the $60M, which he kept in the vaults. The reason is 
because no names were used to lodge in the funds. Instead, he used PERSONAL 
IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS (PIN) and declared the contents 
as Bearer Bonds and Treasury Bills. Also the firm 
issued him with a certificate of deposit of the 
consignments. Note that I have these information in my 

Right now, my brother in-law Rtd. General JEREMAIAH. J. T. USENI 
has been arrested and detained for interrogation. As the eldest brother in-law and close / trusted confidant, I believe that I owe 
the entire family an obligation to 
ensure that the $60M is successfully transferred 
abroad for investment purposes. With the present 
situation, I cannot do it all by myself. It is based 
on this that I am making this contact with you. I have 
done a thorough homework and fine-tuned the best way 
to create you as the beneficiary to the funds and 
effect the transfer accordingly. Is rest assured that 
the modalities I have resolved to finalize the entire 
project guarantees our safety and the successful 
transfer of the funds. So, you will be absolutely 
right when you say that this project is risk free and 
viable. If you are capable and willing to assist, 
contact me at once via email for more details. 

Believe me, there is no one else we can trust again. 
All my brother in-law friends have deserted us after 
exploiting us on the pretence of trying to help my 
brother in-law. As it is said, it is at the time of problems 
that you know your true friends. So long as you keep 
everything to yourself, we would definitely have no 
problems. For your assistance, I am ready to give you 
as much as 20% of the total funds after transfer and 
invest a reasonable percentage into any viable 
business like real estate or that which you may suggest. 

Please, I need your assistance to make this happen and 
please; do not undermine it because it will also be a 
source of up-liftment to you also. You have 
absolutely nothing to loose in assisting us instead, 
you have so much to gain. Find attached copies of my international 
passport as proof of my person and for you also to have a better 
understanding of me. This shows my good intention to be honest and 
most sincere with you with a belief that you also will be willing 
and able to work with us with total co-operation and maximum confidentiality 
and maximum honesty and sincerity at last when the funds get into your care.

Awaiting your urgent and positive response. 

Best regards, 

Mr. Ola D. Wale
Tel: 234-1-7761579, Fax: 234-1-7596486
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